4 Ways To Save Traffic Leaving Your Opt In Page

4 Ways To Save Traffic Leaving Your Opt In Page
4 Ways To Save Traffic Leaving Your Opt In Page


4 Ways To Save Traffic Leaving Your Opt-In Page

Although we’d like to make every visitor to our opt-in page a subscriber, you’re not going to win them all. Whether that’s because you got them at the wrong time, they don’t know much about you, or they simply don’t trust giving you their email address, you will find some people will bounce off your free book page never to return. But although they mightn’t be back, that doesn’t mean that they’re a lost cause.

Here are a few things you could try out.

Offer A Free Book Just For Dropping By

You mightn’t want to give away your 300-page novel without getting an email address, but that doesn’t mean you can’t offer a free short story as a thank you for dropping by.

This can easily be set up with the help of a simple pop up script featuring a simple thank you message with a download button that gives an instant download.

This short story will, of course, have links to your other books, social media accounts and your Amazon author page.

Redirect Their Exit 

Just because they’re leaving doesn’t mean that you can’t control where they go to. If you feel that the previous tip isn’t for you, there’s nothing stopping you from using a little redirect script and directing them somewhere else.

Places to send them could be… Amazon Author Page – Seeing your Amazon author page may help to build the credibility that opt-in page didn’t have. Seeing a large back catalogue with well-reviewed books may make them think twice about you. Once they’re there they can dig deeper into finding out more about you from your Twitter or blog feeds.

Twitter/Facebook Page – If giving you their email address is a step too far from them, maybe giving your Facebook page a like, or following you on Twitter mightn’t be as big a risk. It’s one thing to have a follow me button on your site, it’s another to visit an active social media account that’s being posted to regularly.

Here they can find out more about you, the content you post, and if you’re someone they’d to get to know. It shouldn’t have to be said that you should have your free book offer advertised on either site. This way they can loop back and still get that book they turned down.

Your Latest Book – If you haven’t got either of the above set up you can always send them to your latest book. Although they still mightn’t be interested, they mightn’t be a lost cause.

If you’re an Amazon affiliate, you can always use your affiliate link to send them there. They mightn’t be in the mood for your book, but they might buy something a lot larger that day and you’ll get a nice commission from Amazon for doing so. *It should be said that in all the previous tips you should do the same.

Facebook Pixel 

Even if you’re broke and don’t have the money to spend on Facebook ads, there’s no reason not to have the Facebook pixel embedded on your opt-in page and use that information to build your target audience.

Although they won’t be your ideal audience, due to the fact that they didn’t sign up for your book, you still have their information to use at a later point. Once you’re up and running, you can create a larger custom audience to offer your free book to, or just get them to like your Facebook page. Once they do, it’s up to you to build a relationship with them and win them over.

Social Lock 

Whether that’s through redirecting, or an exit pop up, you might want to lock down your book giveaway with a social lock plugin.

If you’re not aware of what a social lock plugin does, it basically does what it says. If your visitor wants to get to view content or download it, they have to “Like, Tweet, or Share” the item before the content is unlocked.

Although you can go over the top and ask for multiple shares in some cases, it’s best to make it as painless as possible. Depending on what you set it for, you can use your site visitors to help promote your giveaway, or join one of your social accounts.

And there you have it, four ways to mop up the traffic that’s leaving your opt-in page. Of course, you would want everyone that drops by to sign up, but you’ll never get a 100% opt-in rate. But with a little tinkering and planning, you can make better use of that traffic and make something from it.