…if you’ve been on the Internet for at least 5 minutes today you’ll have seen those two words numerous times already.
And because we see them so often, they lose their effectiveness on us.
When the fact is, they’re just as important as the commandments some people live their lives by.
Because there is only one time to act and that is now.
You can’t undo anything you did yesterday. – That playing field doesn’t exist anymore.
You can’t sort tomorrow’s problem out today. – You can set something favourable up, but you can’t act in it.
Heck, I can’t even act in the next ten minutes because I haven’t gotten that far yet.
But what you and I have is now, this second we’re sharing here.
And that’s the only one you can use to improve on where we are.
We know it… but to look at our actions it looks like we don’t know it.
We’ll write the book tomorrow.
We’ll go on the diet tomorrow.
We’ll get started on that online business tomorrow.
All declarations to a moment that doesn’t exist or one that we can take action in.
Pretending to act outside the now means that nothing gets done because nothing can be done.
It’s a fairytale that makes us feel good about ourselves.
It’s a conversation piece that gets agreeing nods from people that are as deluded as we are.
It’s a pat on the back for work we’ll never get around to doing.
So the next you tighten your grip on that wallet of yours when someone asks you to act now, see it for the truth that it is.
The rest of the sales message may be fake or the product poor, but there is one thing that person knows for a fact. – If they don’t get you to act now you never will.
See it as a reminder from the Universe that there’s a time for stories and excuses, and there’s a time for action.
Act now!
And speaking of all actions taking place now, visit https://www.WriteCome.com and you’ll discover 3 secrets that will transform your online business. – It’s free and waiting for you to pick it up right now.