There’s Only Two People You Need To Make Happy Today

 There's Only Two People You Need To Make Happy Today

…the first one is your customer… the second one is you.

You know, a lot of us focus on the first person… well you should…. but you, that’s a different story.

So we write about things we’ve no love for, we make products we’ve no passion for, and we have to drag ourselves to the laptop each day.

Not really a recipe for success is it? – Hating what we do, and then cursing the people we’re doing it for.

Now hopefully you like the people you’re working for today.

If you don’t…get out of there… people can sense when you’ve got the passion of a wet fish.

And as for you being happy, how successful do you think you’re going to be being a miserable sod?

Not very…. if at all.

So there are two people you need to build your business around… YOU…. and YOUR Customer.

Are you happy doing what you’re doing?

Has anyone been happy with their purchase from you?

If it’s a no… I can guarantee that you’ll never get anywhere.

How can you make you happy? – Click here

How can you make your customers happy? – Click here

How you spend your life is up to you but wouldn’t it be better to spend it being happy?

Have a good one!


What Does Your Audience Want? Or Why You’re Broke…

What Does Your Audience Want? Or Why You're Broke...
….now… before I begin… I hope you know who you’re trying to help.

If you don’t, stop everything right now and work that one out.

One of the reasons people don’t make money online is because they create content and products for people that don’t exist.

You’d never do it with an offline store, so why would you think the Internet is any different?

People are people online and offline, and if you’re not giving them what they want… guess what… pays attention to you.

Common sense 101.

Yet, most people still don’t have a clue on that one.

I want you to look back at the work you’ve done this week, last month, since the beginning of the year, and ask yourself who would read this or buy this?

If it’s all over the shop, you’ve just discovered what your problem is.

I’ll be honest, that’s one reason I’ve changed things on my site.

Everything I do right now if for people that want to build a business around them and their passion.

In doing so, I know what to write about, I know what products to make….the ‘Passion To Profit vault’… and I know what products to promote as an affiliate.

If you as a reader or customer don’t want that… you’ll go on your merry way… because we’re not right for each other.

Again, common sense 101.

So going back to you… who is your customer?

If you’re not sure, you need to pick up a copy of this video course.

If you’re scratching your head thinking… why would I ever need this?….. You’re definitely in the wrong place.

Like I said, I’m only helping people who want to build a business around themselves and their passion.

If that’s something you’d like to know how to do, click the banner below now.