…”Most People Spend More Time Consuming The Work Of Others Than Moving Forward With Their Own.”
At this stage of the day, I’m not sure who created that quote up there, but I think it was me….(right now my head’s
a little fried)….but others will probably claim they did, in the weeks and months ahead.
Why so?
Well, it’s just one of the quotes that I’ve put into the product I’m creating from a ten buck PLR product.
And when it’s sold off, you’ll probably see it again on someone’s Pinterest, Facebook, or an Instagram wall. – It’ll
have a lady writing in a journal, so it’s not too hard to miss.
But that quote is so true.
The largest number of people are consumers, rather than creators.
They’re reading emails right now.
They’re scrolling through Facebook right now.
They’re watching Netflix right now.
They’re going to the movies right now.
…I could go on.
The ones making the money?
They’re the creators.
Always has been, always will be.
And that’s something you need to remember.
If you want the audience, if you want the big bucks, if you want the following, you’re going to have to cross over to
the other side.
Consuming will never make you rich.
It might make you cleverer, but if you do nothing with it, it’s a waste of space between your ears.
Creation is where it’s at.
And the image I spoke of earlier, it’s on the Facebook page here.
Well, I did make it so why not show it off there. : )
Barry J McDonald.
PS – Now off you go and go make something useful.