Escaping the Creative Corner: Unleash Your Inner Problem Solver with Reverse Thinking and SCAMPER

Unleash Your Inner Problem Solver with Reverse Thinking and SCAMPER
Unleash Your Inner Problem Solver with Reverse Thinking and SCAMPER

Creating digital products can sometimes feel like writing fiction – you might find yourself writing your character into a corner, unsure of how to proceed. In this blog post, we’ll explore how two creative problem-solving techniques, Reverse Thinking and SCAMPER, can help you overcome obstacles and find innovative solutions when creating digital products.

Escaping the Creative Corner:

  1. Reverse Thinking:

When faced with a problem, try considering its opposite. For example, if your hero needs to escape a situation, think about how the pursuers might make a mistake that allows the escape. Similarly, in your business, ask yourself what everyone else is doing and consider doing the opposite. This approach can help you come up with unique and innovative ideas that set your digital products apart.


SCAMPER is a creative problem-solving technique that involves asking questions based on the following actions:

  • Substitute
  • Combine
  • Adapt
  • Modify
  • Put to another use
  • Eliminate
  • Reverse

For example, when writing a book, you might use “Substitute” to consider how different authors or characters would solve a problem. By putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, you can gain a fresh perspective and come up with new ideas.

Channeling Your Heroes:

Another way to tap into creative problem-solving is by channeling your heroes. Bob Proctor, a renowned personal development expert, would imagine his heroes, like Napoleon Hill and Earl Nightingale, sitting around a table and offering their insights on solving a problem.

Similarly, studies have shown that children tackle math problems more effectively when they pretend to be superheroes like Batman or Wonder Woman. So, consider how your hero might approach your problem and see if it helps you find a solution.

By using Reverse Thinking and SCAMPER, you can unleash your inner problem solver and overcome creative obstacles in your digital product creation journey. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box, explore different perspectives, and channel your heroes to find innovative solutions.

Remember, for every problem, there’s a solution – you just need to be willing to look for it. So, the next time you find yourself stuck in a creative corner, try these techniques and watch your digital product ideas flourish.

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