…now if you’ve ever been to an MLM meeting, you’ve probably seen the circle drawing.
First, we’ve got you as a big circle at the top of the page.
Then you’re told that if you get 3 people, three new circles are drawn below you, and if they get 3 people…another three circles are drawn below you…
…and on and on it goes.
Until you finally see that if you get a tiny cut of everyone’s work, you’ll get rich…. and at that moment your life is changed forever.
Now it doesn’t always work out that way, but you realize that you’ve been a schmuck for relying on your own efforts.
One hour’s work only gets you one hour’s pay.
Now, while MLM isn’t perfect and there are rip-off merchants, you can’t unsee what you’ve seen.
The online work is the same, do something once and get paid over and over again for it.
I’ve taken advantage of that many, many, times and so should you.
But fear, lack of knowledge, and a list of B.S. are telling you you can’t do it.
You can.
The folks that are going through my Lead Magnet Challenge are finding that out too.
That if you’re not taking action then you’re just using excuses to hold you back.
You are probably your biggest roadblock right now.
The challenge is finishing up later today and I know some people’s lives will be changed because of it.
But those lives are people that want to change… not to stay the way they are.
As the great Randy Gage says, ‘You can be a victim or a victor, but you can’t be both.’
If you want change to happen… make it happen.
Make it happen.
Leave the lottery, dead uncle leaving you a fortune, mentality to the masses.
They’re the clever ones they’ll tell you.
‘Give up on that dream of making money online,’ they’ll tell you.
And all the while they get paid for every hour that they work and not a penny more.
Like the circles…. once you see it you can’t unsee it.
Make it happen.