“Everyone Ruins Part Of Their Life”

…to tell the truth, I can’t remember where I heard that quote, but I’m sure it’s right.

I know I can look back a few years and remember some of the dumbest mistakes you could ever make, which all led up to me losing my home.

But for all of us, who’ll admit those goof-ups, we were doing the best we could with what we knew at the time.  – We didn’t know any better.

And while it can seem like those years were wasted, we find out a little bit more about ourselves. Sometimes we find wisdom, sometimes courage, and sometimes a better path that we should have taken instead.

In my own case, my losing my home and all the stress that went with it were one of the greatest things that happened to me.

As Tony Robbins says, ‘Your worst day can be your greatest day if you allow it.’

To those that take the safe part, never risk stepping out of their comfort zone, the thought of ruining part of their life is one of the worst things they could think of happening to them.

They fear the comments behind their backs. They fear having to start over. They’d rather live a life going in the wrong direction than admit at the end of their life they were wrong. – ‘I’ve finally arrived in a place I don’t want to be,’ they say to no one but themselves.

Or maybe you haven’t gone through that point in your life?

Maybe you’re one of the few that did everything right, and choose the right option at every turn. – If you are, I applauded you.

But if you’re not.

Don’t be hard on yourself.  Don’t replay that moment over and over again in your mind.  Punishing yourself from here until eternity can’t change a single second of that time.

It doesn’t even have the power to bend a blade of grass.

That time is gone, let it go.  The only person you’re hurting is you.

When I look back to the heartbreaking moment when I had to pack up all of my belongings and move out of my home, I can see that I was just doing the best I could with what I knew.

The same goes for you. – You did the best with what you knew.

The fact that you can look back and see you ruined some part of your life, means you’ve grown since then. Some people live a life and never get to that point.

Today is a new day, a blank slate, and all sins have been forgiven.

Take what you learned and use it to make a better life for yourself today.  That’s all we want for you.

Have a great one!