How To Get People To Actually Open Your Emails: The Power of Likability and Trust

How To Get People To Actually Open Your Emails
How To Get People To Actually Open Your Emails

We’ve all been there – our inbox flooded with emails trying to sell us something, desperately grabbing our attention with flashy subject lines and an overload of emojis. But let’s face it, most of these emails end up in the trash or worse, the dreaded unsubscribe button gets clicked. So, how do you avoid becoming just another ignored email? It’s not about gimmicks and tricks, but rather building genuine connections through likability and trust. In this post, we’ll delve into the wisdom shared by Barry in a recent YouTube video, and unveil practical tips to ensure your emails are opened, read, and appreciated.

1. The Trouble with Pushy Tactics:
Barry hits the nail on the head when he talks about those marketers who bombard us with ‘buy, buy, buy’ emails and then mysteriously vanish, only to reappear a month later with the same aggressive sales pitch. We’ve all received those, right? They make us cringe and swiftly hit the delete button. Why? Because they feel like pushy used car salesmen trying to force us into a deal.

2. The Secret Sauce: Likability and Trust:
So, what’s the antidote to these cringeworthy tactics? Likability and trust. Barry’s golden advice is simple yet profound – be likable, be trustworthy. The power of showing your true self, sharing your personality, and being relatable cannot be overstated. Let your subscribers see the person behind the email address. Share your experiences, tell stories, and use your videos, just like Barry does, to build a connection with your audience.

3. Putting a Face to the Name:
One of the most effective ways to build that connection is by showing up visually. Including a photo of yourself in your emails can work wonders. Just think about it – when you see a familiar face, you’re more likely to stop and listen. Barry emphasizes this by recording videos and placing himself right there in the corner of the screen. This instantly humanizes him, making him more relatable and trustworthy.

4. Building Credibility and Likability:
Barry’s approach isn’t just about building trust; it’s about creating likability too. He acknowledges his dual agenda – yes, he’s there to help, but he’s also trying to establish a bond. By consistently delivering value through his videos and content, he’s not only positioning himself as an expert but also as a friendly and reliable source of information.

5. The Journey of Email Subscribers:
Barry presents a profound perspective on email subscribers – it’s a journey, not a sprint. Instead of obsessing over instant sales, focus on nurturing relationships. Treat your subscribers as real people with real problems, and aim to make their lives better. By doing so, you’re setting the foundation for long-term loyalty, which ultimately leads to more conversions over time.

6. Consistency is Key:
A crucial element of likability and trust is consistency. Those erratic marketers who show up, disappear, and reappear are easily forgotten. To stay in your subscribers’ minds, be consistent. Regularly sending valuable content and insights keeps you at the forefront of their attention. When they recognize your name and associate it with value, they’re more likely to open your emails.

7. Beyond Email Addresses:
Barry reminds us that behind every email address is a person. It’s easy to get caught up in numbers and statistics, but it’s the personal connection that truly matters. Think about how you can make a difference in your subscribers’ lives. Address their pain points, entertain them, and be the solution they’ve been searching for.

8. Long-term Relationships vs. Quick Wins:
It’s tempting to chase quick sales, but the real value lies in building long-term relationships. Barry’s advice echoes this sentiment – focus on the customers you have now. Nurture those relationships, foster trust, and you’ll find that these customers will stick around, becoming your loyal supporters who not only buy from you repeatedly but also spread the word about your value.

The next time you’re crafting an email campaign, remember that likability and trust are your superpowers. Be yourself, show your face, be consistent, and most importantly, treat your subscribers like the individuals they are. It’s not about the flashy subject lines or sales tricks; it’s about the genuine bond you create that compels them to open, read, and respond to your emails. So, say goodbye to the email graveyard and hello to engaged and loyal subscribers. Happy emailing!