…you’d be mistaken in thinking that you can’t make money from giving away free stuff.
I mean if the thing you’re giving away is free, how can you make money from it?
Well, there’s a few ways that most authors and self publishers don’t put into use.
The most obvious one is to give away a free book or report and have an affiliate link at the back of it.
Thus, when someone clicks the link, you make money when that reader takes an action on reaching the page you sent them to.
But there are others that most people don’t do.
- What if you sold that opening page of your free report to someone to advertise their website or affiliate link on?
- What if you did the same with your coloring book, planner?
- What if your free fiction/non fiction book finished with the opening chapter of some other author’s book? – You’ve just bulked up your book’s page count with no work, and you get paid for it.
- An email blast to your list. Even if you never sold a book, leveraging a big email list and charging people to use it can make you money.
- And your free book’s download page. – There’s nothing stopping you selling you advertising space on that page. – You can even set up a ad rotation system and sell multiple spaces. – Or charge more for being at the top of the list.
Will you do any of the above?
Me thinks you won’t.
But for those that do, you can use that income to pay for traffic to speed up the process, making you more money with extra downloads.
You could also charge per link click instead of a fixed price. Possibly making you even more money.
I’m working on something at present that I’m planning to give away that’ll make both you and I money.
What’s that? You say.
It’s these daily emails.
At present I’m reworking and rewriting my best emails and blog posts into a free report that’s going to have affiliate links to all my courses and products in it.
The more you and I give this away, the more we make money from it.
Nice, huh.
There’s nothing stopping you from writing your own daily emails and doing the same.