…here’s a little experiment you can try out today. If I could show you a way to come up with better product ideas, stop wasting time and effort, and build yourself a stronger business, would you be interested?
How can you achieve all those magical results? Simple, ask yourself this question… how can I make more by doing less?
That’s it.
Here’s a couple of thoughts….
What would you work on if you had only an hour free each day?
If you were strictly limited to only one hour of work what would be the most important thing you’d need to get done? This question will not only make you aware of the most important bits of your business but get you laser-focused to get as much done as you can in those 60 minutes.
If everything was looked at side by side, what’s bring in the biggest bang for your buck? – Both in effort and money.
If you were to compare writing a blog post, with a Facebook post, with an Instagram post, which is getting you in front of more people for your effort? Which product is the runaway one in your stable? Is it worth mentioning those other products when no one is buying them? (Or could you do an advanced follow-up course?) – You’ll find that one or two things are bringing you more of your results than other things you have.
What could you charge more for and what could you sell less of?
What product could easily become a higher-priced training course? What products are selling, but you keep mentioning? Could limiting the number of products you sell, but raising the price, be a lot better than selling an unlimited amount of that product? – If your time is short and you need to make as much money as you can, what goes, what stays, and what gets upgraded?
What if you suddenly took ill and couldn’t work on your business?
What if you lost the power to speak, write, or see? How would you overcome that? How could you automate, delegate, or outsource to fill that gap? How would your business change if you couldn’t show up? Could you record training instead of doing one on one coaching? Or take your business online instead of off so you can keep going. – Not only will this question cover you in, God forbid the worst situations, but it’ll probably make you aware of how much you’re probably doing that you don’t need to do.
Looking at your business through those questions I’m sure you’ll find more than one way to make more money, and get more done, with a lot less effort.
One way you can save some time and effort is heading over to https://www.WriteCome.com right now and checking 0ut the FREE video series I’ve put together just for you. In it, I’m going to show you how anyone can make money and build a following using just their Internet history and bookmarks.