How To Overcome The Fear Of Failure And Create Your First Digital Training Product

How To Overcome The Fear Of Failure And Create Your First Digital Training Product
How To Overcome The Fear Of Failure And Create Your First Digital Training Product

Have you ever wondered why you haven’t created your first digital training product yet? Is it because you don’t know how to do it or are you afraid of failing?

In school, we were often taught that success meant passing exams while failure meant the opposite. However, the real world doesn’t work the same way. Many of us mistakenly believe that we are either successful or failures, winners or losers, without acknowledging the middle ground.

I want to challenge this belief and offer you a different perspective. No matter what you do, even if you don’t succeed, it’s never a loss. Let me explain. As I write a post or record a podcast episode, I am uncertain about its success. It could be a hit or only a few people may read or listen to it. But even if it falls short, it’s not a loss. Why? Because I have gained experience and learned something valuable.

Each time I take action, I become a little better because of the experience I’ve acquired. Even if tomorrow’s content is not fantastic, I will still learn from it, and that knowledge will shape my future content. The same applies to you. Even if your digital product doesn’t sell, or if you’re the only one who sees it, you are still a winner. The effort, time, and commitment you put into creating it are all valuable experiences that will benefit you in the long run.

Now, let’s address the fear of failure. Many of us avoid taking action because we fear embarrassing ourselves in front of others. We worry about what other people will think if we fail. However, I want you to take a moment and reflect. Are you holding yourself back because you’re afraid of other people’s opinions?

Imagine looking back on your life and realizing you didn’t do what you wanted because you were afraid of complete strangers. Is that how you want to live your life? I know I don’t. I want to be proud of my achievements, proud of stepping out of my comfort zone, recording videos, and creating podcast episodes. I refuse to let fear of judgment or failure hinder my progress.

Consider this: when you prioritize other people’s opinions above your own, you are placing their judgment of you higher than your own self-worth. But it’s your life, and you should be the one making the decisions. Do you want to live your life worrying about what others think of you, or do you want to pursue your passions and live on your own terms?

Now, let’s address failure head-on. Firstly, there is no such thing as failure. We left that concept back in the classroom. Even if something appears as a failure on the outside, it’s a success on the inside. Why? Because you’ve gained experience, learned valuable lessons, and grown as a person. With each attempt, you become better and more equipped to succeed.

Also, consider those who criticize others for their failures. If you were to examine their lives, you’d likely find that they live shallow existences. They stand on the sidelines, never taking action themselves, only pointing fingers and making fun of those who try. But you have a choice – be on the field, taking action and scoring goals, or remain on the sidelines, paralyzed by fear and criticism.

Don’t let fear of failure hold you back from creating your first digital training product. Embrace the knowledge that every attempt, regardless of the outcome, brings growth and personal development. Put yourself out there, and even if you don’t please everyone, remember that there will be a group of people who appreciate the difference you’ve made in their lives through your product.

Overcoming the fear of failure is crucial in creating your first digital training product. Remember that failure is not a loss but an opportunity for growth and learning. Prioritize your own opinion over others’, and remember that their judgments do not define your self-worth. Embrace every attempt, learn from them, and always strive to improve. Take action, put your product out into the world, and make a difference.

Have the courage to chase your dreams and live life on your own terms. You’ve got this!