I Can’t Save You… And Here’s Why

…the cliff notes, it’s all on you.

Yeah, you can blame Covid, the government, and whatever’s around at the moment, but those things will still be around in the future.

Covid, or things like it will be here, governments will still waste money and make stupid mistakes (doesn’t matter which ones are in), and oil prices will go up and down.

You’ve no control over them.

But what you have control over is you.

And… the person that’s going to be your superhero and pull you from the disaster you’re in is going to be you.

You are the baddie and the hero of your story.

A lot of us can accept the baddie part ( and all things negative about ourselves) but we’ll rarely accept the positive.

We’ll laugh at the idea that we can make more money, run a marathon, write, sing, or whatever.

Those things we can’t do.

But here’s the crazy thing, and something Earl Nightingale said many times,  we’ve got no problem with believing that others can do those things.

We think that everyone is more talented, luckier, better looking,  can write, podcast, make a million bucks or whatever, but not us.

If we were in the movie Twins, we’d be Danny Devito.

The thing is, the person that’s judging you… is a child.

Why? Because all the beliefs you have about yourself were set in stone before you were twelve.

So right now, there’s a twelve-year-old telling you what you’re capable of.

All those conversations you heard, the things that were said about you decades ago, are what’s behind the steering wheel of your life right now.

A book I’m reading at the moment summed it up well with these three words… Stop Believing Yourself.

What that means is, believe in yourself, believe that there’s more under the hood, that there’s something you’re here to do other than making mortgage payments…

…but stop… believing yourself.

Stop believing those whispers that tell you that you’re the opposite.


Because those whispers are echoes from decades ago.

They come by every so often, some 10, 20, 30, or 40 years old and we take it as a statement about us today.

That’s like burying a time capsule, digging it up many years later, and expecting us to still feel the same about the contents and memories inside it.

It won’t. – Because the person looking at the contents is a different person.

You’re different.

You’ve more life experience.

You’re not a kid anymore.

That kid mightn’t think you’re capable because of what they were told back then, but that’s not you today.

You’re not that person.

You can reject those whispers from the past.

Those flashbacks that you still cringe at.

The clock has moved on since then.

And the world has spun around many times too.

You’ve got to do the same.

Today isn’t twenty years ago, it’s today.

And you’re not that kid anymore.

Looking for a hero, someone to save you, look in the mirror.

Make that younger version of you go ‘Wow, I really did all those things!’

How about unpacking that cape of yours today and let’s see what you can do?
