More Love = Less Cash

…how well do you cope with rejection?

When you get a bad book review, nasty comment on a post, or snarky email, how does that make you feel?

Does it make you apologise about your book, say you’ll never write about that topic, or promise never to send an email a day again?

If it does, then you my friend need to pack up and quit.

Because chances are very good whatever you want to do is going to piss someone off.

And no matter how you tiptoe around those people, you can be guaranteed that someone is going to take an exception to what you do or say.

The people that write the books, do the TikToks, blog, podcast, or start the business, know that deep down.  They’d like people to like them, but if they don’t it’s no skin off their nose.

And the higher up and more successful they are, the less they need that approval.

Because they know that giving someone else that power means that they’re in charge of your life.

Bending to others’ opinions is like handing over the reins of your life and hoping they’ll take you in the direction you want to go in.

They won’t.  – You’ll end up in the wrong place and be miserable there.

But if there’s anything that’s going to be a litmus test of how successful you’ll be, it’ll be your ability to take rejection on the chin and keep moving forward.

It’ll be your ability to see that the people that aren’t supporting you, aren’t your audience so what’s the point in paying any attention to them?

It’ll be your ability to know that they won’t be at the finish line of where you’re going. Because when you get there, they’ll be a long distant memory.

Rejection, that’s for the small people.

If you want to do anything bigger than the crowd, be prepared for it.

That’s why most folks still don’t write and send emails

‘What if they unsubscribe or say bad things about me?’ say the worried.

If that’s the biggest worry you have, then you need to pack up shop.

And definitely don’t click here.