Stop Being An Onion

…”The more layers there are between you and your customer, the more vulnerable you are.”

Not my words, but Dan Kennedy’s.

And he has a point. When you look at things through that lens you realize…

– Amazon’s between you and your customer.
– Etsy’s between you and your customer.
– Facebook/Twitter’s between you and your tribe.
– Google’s between you and your traffic.

And to paraphrase Dan, if they want to add another layer, change what goes on between you and your customer there’s …nothing…you can do about it.

You’ve got to suck it up.

There’s also something else. Ever notice that when you’re the one in the middle you always have to wait to get paid?

Not just online but offline. Any else have to work for a month before you get paid? I did.

28 days before the store I worked for released my wages. That was money they could play around with while I had to wait around.

What does this mean? It means you’ve got to start working on getting rid of those layers between you and your customer. Give away free stuff, offer a huge discount, or like I wrote before, offer their money back…to get their details.

There’s nothing stopping you, but that thing between your ears. You can.

But if you’re too lazy, couldn’t be arsed, then you my little onion are gonna end  up in a pickle.

But there is good news,  one way to peel away that layer is by learning how to write emails to your audience and building a relationship with them.

Go here to get started.