…while there is a downside to the Coronavirus, there have been some benefits though.
Some of those, are things that would have taken young Greta decades to see happen.
But a simple bug…closed down polluting factories, reduced air traffic, …and made us wash our hands properly….in a matter of weeks.
Nice. Right?
Then there’s the other benefit.
People are finally wising up to the fact that their jobs aren’t always safe, and that maybe this ‘work from home’ thing might be something worth looking into.
How many will go back to the workforce after they’ve had their taste of freedom is hard to tell, but I’d imagine not all will.
Sometimes it can be easy to take this online business thing for granted. Especially when all the folks you hang out with are doing it too.
To people who don’t have the balls, or experience to do what you do right now, it probably seems like the things you do are black magic.
‘You can build a website?’
”You know how to publish your
own book?’
‘You make t-shirts with your own designs
on them?’
‘You’ve got a podcast?’
Those things are routine to me and you.
And because they are, it’s easy to take what you do for granted.
It’s easy to look at yourself as not the cleverest one online. – The one that’s not making as much money as everyone else online. – The one that has a tiny mailing list.
But to those people who are lost right now, you’re the equivalent of the explorer that wows the Amazonian tribe with their gadgets.
It’s easy to look at the thing you do, as just that, the thing you do.
But to me, the greatest satisfaction is knowing I’ve sent someone on their merry way with a skill that can put food
on their table.
That’s worth more than any payment I get.
Take this testimonial I once got…
“I want to thank you Mr. McDonald for giving me the inspiration to write this book. I would have never done it if I hadn’t come across your class. I had in my mind to write about my daughter’s journey with her heart defect, but I always thought it was something too far out of my reach. Your class is wonderful. You have brought such light into my life. Thank you again.”
Those words still make my day.
That’s why I still give my all for the WriteCome site and the membership area.
Barry J McDonald.
PS – Unfortunately, for every one of me, there are a hundred folks that are more interested in taking the money and just running.
Which is such a shame!