What Role Are You Playing Today?

…from the moment we get out of bed, we put on our costumes for the day.

Sometimes we decide consciously what part we’ll play and sometimes it’s subconscious.

But we’ll pick up where we left off yesterday and replay that role.

And like a well-worn groove, we find ourselves travelling along the old familiar path of the same thoughts as yesterday, the same actions as yesterday, and the same people as yesterday.

The saying that “Today is a brand new day” is lost on us, because it’s not. It’s just yesterday’s show played out on today’s stage.

It’s the same script, same cast, and same ending, it’s one that most of us don’t even like. And yet we still show up every day to play that part.

The role you’ve picked for yourself, tells you who you are and what you’re capable of doing. The outside world mightn’t see the costume you wear, but you’ll still play that role as if we could.

You’ll decide that your character can only have these thoughts, say these words and take these actions. – Because that’s what your role requires of you.

You’d love to play another role, but when it’s one that’s familiar to you it’s easier to stay there.  There’s no work needed, no worrying about fluffing your lines, and the cast around you expects you to stay in character. – Because like a cop never performing brain surgery, or a nurse defusing a bomb, the thought that you could run off script is confusing and scary to them.

What if you’re better in that part? What if you take more of the audience’s attention than they do?  And what if the role they’ve picked and stuck with all their lives was the wrong one too?

That’s a tough pill to swallow that you spent your life as the wrong character in the wrong show. That there’s a show where you could be the hero and the curtain closes to a happy ending. That with a bit of work, learning new lines and having the courage to take centre stage is all you needed to do.

Most people don’t want to face that chance of embarrassment, and they’ll tell you to stay where you are. ‘It’s safe to play the chorus line here at the back,’ they tell you.

And so you’ll pull on the costume that they wore yesterday, last week, and possibly decades ago, the one you never made any alterations to.

This is who you are. This is the part you play. This is what’s expected of you.

And so you pull on your costume and get ready to start your day.

Today will be different, you tell yourself…


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