“What’s The Big Idea?”

…what’s the plan?

Where’s the destination?

What’s the point?

How will you know when you make it?

When you’ve got no direction or destination there’s no start line, finish line, goalposts, or anything to show you which way to run, which way to aim, or any markings to measure your progress.

And while it’s all nice and dandy standing in a wide open space without a care in the world…you’ll find other people have plans for you.

Because when you’ve got no goal for yourself, you can be guaranteed that someone else is going to take up that space.

Your spouse/partner/kids have a goal for you.

Netflix has a goal for you.

The shopping channel has a goal for you.

The bank has a goal for you.

Your boss has a goal for you.

The government has a goal for you.

And those that set those goals, most times, don’t have your interest in mind but their own.

Because you’re either making your life better or their life better.

So given a choice… wouldn’t it be better to focus on what you want?

To walk in a direction of your choosing?

To live the life that you want?

If that’s the case, maybe it’s time to have a look at that big idea.

To say this is what I want and this is where I’m going.

To say that this is what’s important to me today and this is what’s going to get done.

Because if you don’t have plans for yourself, you can be guaranteed you’re part of someone else’s plan.

And there’s nothing other people like more than a person without a plan.

Back when I had no plans I found myself lost and in a job I hated. Discover how I turned things around and the 3 secrets I learned along the way in ‘The Online Business Manifesto.’ For your free copy go to https://www.WriteCome.com now.